Miracle Monday #3


What am I grateful for today?

I am grateful for my girlfriends. It’s said that you never know who your real friends are until you’re in a crisis and that is so true. Real friends won’t just say they are sorry to hear about your split, they will go the extra mile by holding your hand when you need to cry, help you pack/unpack/move, force you into getting off your butt to go out and have that margarita! They will listen to you debate over the most irrelevant minutae of your relationship and assure you that everything will be fine and you won’t be all alone one day with twenty cats.

Do you have girlfriends like this?

What are you grateful for today?

Miracle Monday #1


Mondays are a bitch, aren’t they?  No matter how much, or little, we do over the weekend Monday shows up like a steamroller and even though I truly love my job, I always find myself wishing for just one more day.  Or at least more time to sleep in.

So I think I will start posting things that I am grateful for on Mondays.  It’s a good way to start the week and a good reminder that even in the tornado of a divorce, there are still blessings – – and miracles – – to be found.

What am I grateful for today?  I am grateful for my job.  Not only did I get it at the perfect time, right after I moved, but I work with fantastic, kind and fun people who make the so-called 9-5 a joy.  As an added bonus, I took a nice pay raise for this job.  Take that, Number 2!

Tell me, what are you thankful for today?